MOAR Money – Timeshares
MOAR Money – Timeshares
From time to time, I will share a trick to reduce cost or to make MOAR (more and roar) gay money! Normally with these techniques your millage may vary and sometimes geographical differences may occur with related store policies/management. It is always advised to start small with a trial run before scaling.
When you travel to touristy places normally there are timeshare people trying to rope you into a presentation. The freebies (normally a couple hundred dollars worth) for giving up 2-3hrs of your time may be worth it. Sometimes they are not worth the time be careful with free show tickets (shows normally suck) and food (hit or miss).
Steps for a decent score:
Make contact – The industry largely does not do proper training on how to deal with gay married people. So it is up to you to make the initial contact. Normally look around for people giving away free things or drawings. Normally the promotion will be an experience for tourists. Ask them who may apply. They will say a married couple. Tell them you are legally married (this is a requirement).
Negotiate better deals – You will play the stupid game for freebies and will not win the main prize but will win some other random thing and a chance to preview a timeshare. Act like you love vacationing and that you would love to do it in style. They will take some information that will play into what offers you will get. Chief among the information is household income, the higher the better the offers. Then they will give you the first offer for sitting through the presentation. This is not the best. State that you would love to, but your vacation time is worth a little bit more than what is offered. Manager comes over and you will get more.
The fine print – You formalize the deal in some sort of writing prior to going. Sometimes this includes a prepayment normally $20 just to make you show up. Make this refundable in the writing. Make sure the deal is exactly what was talked about, time length is listed, freebies are listed, and expectations (no sale) is listed.
The presentation – Now the fun part, high pressure sales tactics! A train crash is coming! They will act like your friend the first couple times you say no then it is all down hill. The other people brought in are sales people too they do not care how nice the sales person was. It is always a train crash with various methods used to guilt, push, insult a purchase out of you. What my husband and I have found as the best way to get the crash done with is responsive and despondent spouses. Mark, husband, will answer all questions about lifestyle noting that we are not into vacationing and that it is a want not a need. Meanwhile during the whole presentation when asked a question I will respond I am not discussing these topics, but will talk once we get to money. The sales person will insult us call us childish ect. Then one we get to money I state this is far to much for a want that I do not value. The train crashes early and the presentation ends sooner than expected. Congratulations you out dicked a dick!
Get your freebies – You will get bounced around to 2-4 more people trying to close the deal offering products. Then you are done. You sit in a room with the other non-buyers and the slow process of handing out freebies begin. Make sure you check your gifts before you leave. Enjoy your free-ish crap.
Let me know your timeshare tricks below!
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